Thursday, October 2, 2008


A quick post this morning.

As I am off to the market at the spin off retreat. I finally found some help with my spinning from a fantastic lady near me her name was Tricia. She not only managed to get me going with it but gave me loads of great advice and helpful tips. She also told me about SOAR whilst i am to late to sign up for classes they do have a market open to the public and she thought it would be great fro me to go and see whats out there. So that is what I am doing today. I am looking forward to it very much as I missed the last fiber festival i wanted to attend as my mom was here from England.

Will post details later

1 comment:

crochetgirl said...

Hi! I don't know if you remember or not about signing up for "pay it forward" on my blog
but I am just about ready (finally) to send your goodies to you. I just need an address. You can e mail me at please put "pay it forward" in the subject line so I don't delete it by mistake. Thanks.
from: Christine (crochetgirl)